Category: alternatives
‘meaningful privacy-friendly web analytics’
Note: This is not an endorsement.
‘an independent and privacy-friendly solution’
With Indiepen, you generate a code snippet and integrate it on your website. Indiepen takes care of fetching the HTML, CSS, and JS files and providing a shiny preview of the code example.
its auto-update software ‘has a long history of crashing Macs’
…I spent a whole $5 on a domain name and set up this website even if it makes me sound like a raving nut.
redirects certain requests to ‘privacy friendly alternatives’
Privacy Redirect Firefox extension
(more information)
Related extensions for other browsers:
- Privacy Redirect Edge extension
The alternatives include:
a site ‘with a simple goal’
PIXLS.US – Free/Open Source Photography
To provide tutorials, workflows and a showcase for high-quality photography and cinematography using Free/Open Source Software.