this cool diversion is actually a tech learning resource amusing / dev / diversions / learning / resources July 17, 2021 Gently Down the Stream[belzsch] Related: gently-kafka:A Gentle Introduction to Apache Kafka Apache Kafka
‘a 15-note DIY music box’ amusing / diversions / generators / music November 2, 2020 Music Box Fun [loimprevisto] Note: It’ll add a number of lines to your browsing history – you’ve been warned. 😎
“Hit the bongos like Bongo Cat!” amusing / giggles / miscellany / music October 31, 2020 Bongo Cat [AlanRalph]
move over ‘lorem ipsum’ – this one’s more amusing amusing / design / generators / ideas / resources / words October 17, 2020 Massimo Says: Hopefully one of the finest AI text generators out there.
‘picture to QR code converter’ amusing / generators / ideas August 24, 2020 [HusseinMorsy]
‘an AI-powered interactive music experience’ ai / amusing / diversions / generators / music / odd March 23, 2020 Incredible Spinners [andrewn] Mesmerizing 👍 🎵 🙂
‘create ✨animated✨ custom emojis’ amusing / animation / emoji / generators / tools November 29, 2019 MakeEmoji [ttscoff]
scripting fun: ‘on-demand confetti gun’ amusing / design / dev / scripting / tools October 16, 2019 🎊 Canvas Confetti (info) [carlrustung]
‘your pieces do the strangest things’ amusing / diversions / games / scripting September 7, 2019 Chesses [SvenLoskill]
playing to learn amusing / css / games / learning / resources April 11, 2019 CSS Diner – Where we feast on CSS Selectors! 📌 CSSBattle – CSS code-golfing is here! 📌 More CSS Games