Category: color
create gradients – compare perceptual color spaces
Lch and Lab colour and gradient picker
This is a colour picker and gradient creation tool that uses a variety of colour spaces for choosing and interpolating gradients. The most exotic of these are Lab and Lch, which are perceptually uniform colour spaces that are designed to match the human eye’s nonlinear response to colour input.
‘free online gradient text generator’
Limited palette – 16 colors available, though generated CSS can then be modified with desired colors.
‘to assist you in making educated decisions about color and contrast’
A comprehensive guide for exploring and learning about the theory, science, and perception of color and contrast.
“Let’s get serious about color”
Color.js (color manipulation library)
‘color scheme for your terminal’ *
* Color Schemes For Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Elementary OS and all distributions that use Gnome Terminal, Pantheon Terminal, Tilix, or XFCE4 Terminal; initially inspired by Elementary OS Luna. Also works on iTerm for macOS.
‘allows you to layer gradients to make complex designs’
(Not Another) Gradient Generator
Create CSS, SVG and PNG color gradients