‘creating a completely self-contained Tiddlywiki application’ dev / scripting / software / tools November 23, 2022 Redbean Tiddlywiki Saver Related: redbean
exploring something cool (47) design / dev / scripting / tools November 3, 2022 LeaderLine[kasperworks]
“You have JavaScript. You need a bookmarklet. This does that.” bookmarklets / dev / scripting / tools October 14, 2022 Bookmarkleter[cogdog]
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‘a framework agnostic autocomplete widget with native-feeling keyboard navigation’ design / dev / scripting / search / tools August 22, 2022 Tom Select (github)[csautot]
‘images go whoa with lots of floaty dots’ animation / design / dev / graphics / scripting August 13, 2022 Breathing Halftone[axehandle]
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‘an extensible text editor framework that does things differently’ design / dev / scripting / tools May 23, 2022 Lexical (playground)[h3rald]